About KISISF Artists
藝術家鄭亭亭畢業於倫敦西敏大學攝影學及金匠大學純藝術碩士。其曾在台灣、香港、日本、英國、西班牙、匈牙利等地舉行個展。他的作品曾經在巴西聖保羅Videobrasil當代藝術雙年展、TIVA台灣國際錄像藝術展、東京雙年展、倫敦Iniva國際視覺藝術中心、越南Zero Station、首爾MMCA國立美術館等地出現。在作品中,他藉由在當下脈絡重新詮釋檔案及現有資料來創造新的敘事。
Ting-Ting Cheng graduated from MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths College, London. In her practice, she reinterprets archival materials to construct narratives in the current context. She had solo exhibitions at Taipei Fine Art Museum and other institutions and galleries in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, UK and more. She had participated in Tokyo Biennial, Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil, Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architechture (China), and group exhibitions at Jim Thompson Art Center (Bangkok), National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, National Art Museum of China...etc. She was the resident artist at Iniva (London), CFCCA (Manchester), Zero Station (HCMC), MMCA (Seoul) and more. Her works are in the collection of Fundación Juan Entrecanales de Azcarate National (Madrid), Fundació per amor a l'art, (Valencia), Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan Museum of Fine Art and other private collections worldwide.
Ting-Ting Cheng
Steel F4's Travel Guide to Southern Taiwan
延續其於2016年在中壢駐村的創作,藝術家鄭亭亭為了這次的展覽訪問了四位在臺南和高雄交界處鋼鐵產業工作的移工,並請他們推薦喜歡的臺灣景點,化身成為導遊,帶領來到駁二的觀眾透過他們的視野來認識南臺灣。在展覽中,除了觀光手冊外,藝術家也透過錄像及LINE互動劇場來揭露其邀請移工受訪的真實過程,只要掃描桌上的QR Code,加入藝術家官方帳號,就可以根據劇本來扮演移工和藝術家互動,希望藉由扮演的過程,讓觀眾進到他們的鞋子裡,體會他們在異地臺灣生活的情境。
Continuing her project made in Zhongli in 2016, artist Ting-Ting Cheng interviewed four migrant workers who work in the steel industry around Tainan and Kaohsiung, asking them to share their favourite spots in the south of Taiwan, to invite the audience of PIER-II to see the island through their perspectives. In the exhibition, apart from the tour guide, Cheng also revealed the process of finding the migrant workers through video and LINE interaction. Once the audience scan the QR code located on the table to add the official account of the artist on LINE, they can play the role of the migrant workers and interact with the artist. Through the re-enacting, Cheng hopes to invite the audience to be in the shoes of the workers who contribute a lot to this country that is miles away from theirs.