About KISISF Artists
楊水源是一位多元產品和傢俱設計師,現居臺灣。在荷蘭埃因霍芬設計學院進修了一年 「情境設計 」學程後,他以自由設計師的身份與多家設計工作室合作,同時繼續創作自己的作品。他專注於材料和製造工藝,創作設計產品和實驗物品。作品橫跨產品設計與實驗性物件,以材質與物件製程作為創作本質,探索日常人造物的邊界,尋找其最適合融入當代社會的型態。
Shui-Yuan Yang is a product and furniture designer based in Taiwan. After studying Contextual Design at Design Academy Eindhoven for a year, he works as a freelance designer who collaborates with various design studios while carrying on with his self-established works. He created design products and experimental objects by focusing on the materials and manufacturing processes. He aims to explore the boundaries of artificial objects and seek suitable forms for them to be integrated into contemporary society.
Shui-Yuan Yang
Hardwareology, initiated by designer Shuei Yuan Yang, explores global hardware culture through field research. Deconstructing hardware, the project repurposes it into sensible homeware, emphasizing its unique character. Hardware reflects the culture, climate, and values of its origin. Exploring foreign hardware stores becomes an intriguing, educational experience comparable to visiting a museum. Engaging with unfamiliar components sparks imagination to uncover potential functions beyond their original use. Yuan's experience in the Netherlands revealed significant hardware application differences, prompting a comprehensive anthropological exploration of culture through hardware. Hardwareology is a platform for creative reinterpretation, offering insights into the diverse cultural aspects embedded in everyday objects.