About KISISF Artists
Seiko Yamamoto ( 山本聖子 ) 的故鄉是在1970年推動大阪世博時期以「一座理想城市」為藍圖而建立的。她在那裡長大,生活在一個規格化的公寓社區中,直至今日,居住環境與生活是非常便利的;然而,她卻在這個城鎮的現代生活中感受到一些不對勁與身體限制。Seiko Yamamoto最重要的作品之一是公寓設計系列,這系列作品是她根據自己家鄉的感受而創作,意味著現代社會的某種同質化氛圍。近年來,她繼續發展了這種感知和主題,以 「色彩 」為隱喻,通過影像裝置等各種複合媒材來表達其概念。她不僅在日本,亦在臺灣、墨西哥、荷蘭和韓國等地參與過駐村計畫和藝術節。
Her hometown was developed with the Osaka Expo in 1970 as an ideal city of those days. She grew up in a standardized apartment complex there. Also now, it is really convenient to live. However, she used to feel something wrong and physical restrictions with the town and the modern life there. One of the most important her series is made of apartments plans. It was made based on what she has felt in her hometown, it means some homogeneous atmosphere of the modern era. In recent years, she has expanded this sensibility and themes, using “color” as a metaphor to express herself in various media such as video installations. She has participated in residencies and art festivals not only in Japan but also in Taiwan, Mexico, the Netherlands, and South Korea.
Seiko Yamamoto
Red which dropped on tip of black - "Good night, Good weather, isn't it ?"
In 2020, I met an Indonesian immigrant fisherman on Chijin, and I created a work while closely following and researching his life and work.
Although immigrants are needed as a labor force in Taiwanese society, their working conditions are quite harsh. This film depicts the existence of individuals who are at the mercy of the larger trends of the times.
I projected images onto a steel screen that resembled a ship. Seawater falls drop by drop from the ceiling, and the screen gradually rusts during the exhibition. Then, real rust and images are mixed. Behind the screen, a bed and a fan are placed, creating an installation that resembles the hot, narrow container in which he lived. The photographs were developed and printed using an instant camera that I asked him to take.