About KISISF Artists
日本 JP 1988 年開始從事音樂行業隨後移居紐約,執導音樂節目、廣告、電影和音樂錄影帶的同時,他開始創作音樂與圖像融合的媒體藝術。 回到日本後於 1997 年參與創辦 DRAWING AND MANUAL。 其創作跨越多種類型,包括品牌廣告、時尚舞臺指導、攝影和空間設計。 其執導的電影《森林中的木琴》獲得 20 多個國際獎項,其中包括坎城金獅獎。 他于 2011 年舉辦了首次攝影個展 <不存在的電影,存在的視覺>,並在日本全國巡迴展出,亦在東京、米蘭、紐約展出其當代藝術作品,在東京、米蘭和紐約展出執導電影 "youth" 《青春》、"Harmonica-Taiyo" 、"All Aboard!" 。
Starting his career in the music industry in 1988, he later moved to New York, directing music TV shows, commercials, movies, and videos. Back in Japan, he co-founded DRAWING AND MANUAL in 1997. Beyond film, he's engaged in diverse creative pursuits, directing brand films, fashion shows, and art museums' scenography. His film "Xylophone" won over 20 international awards, including Cannes Lions. As a photographer, he exhibited "Found stories from a movie that doesn't exist" in 2011, touring Japan. His art, "Yukimi Shunga" and "srk," was showcased in Tokyo, Milan, and New York. He directed feature films like "youth," "Hamonica-Taiyo," and "All aboard!" Recently, he delves into Japanese motion image arts and crafts since 2022.
Seiichi Hishikawa
This videois completed by actually visiting the site and filming 900 cuts of iron worksites in Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung's iron craftsmen and machines play the famous opera "Carmen". The title "Karmen" expresses pride. The work expresses a world of sparks, smoke, smell of oil, roar and silence, cutting-edge manufacturing using the latest technology, and a wonderful harmony with the power of human beings. Seiichi Hishikawa worked with sound designer Shinya Kiyokawa again to complete this work. Covering the venue with five screens, this is an video installation work of the soul with synchronized sound and images that fascinates with its countless meticulously designed pieces and grand scale. This is the world premiere of this work.