About KISISF Artists
Lex Pott(1985年生),2009年以優等成績畢業於荷蘭埃因霍芬設計學院,目前於荷蘭鹿特丹其個人工作室持續工作中。Lex Pott擅長使用木頭、石頭和金屬進行創作,並採用原始且直觀的方法呈現其概念。Lex Pott認為設計不應該藏在間接的層次下,而是應該將它們簡化為最原始的本質。
Lex Pott (1985) employs a raw and intuitive method. In his work, he returns to the origin of the materials he uses most: wood, stone and metal. He does not hide his designs under indirect layers, but reduces them to their very essence. Pott works from his design studio based in Rotterdam. He graduated cum laude in 2009 at the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Lex Pott
True Colours
Each of the vases and panels are made from a different oxidised metal — copper, steel, brass, and aluminium — while featuring a contrasting and highly polished segment.
The subtle chromatic result shows the true colours of each metal, both in its polished and oxidised state. In addition to revealing the rich palette of each metal.